PADI Diving Courses
Sirenas Adventures Costa Rica offers a personalized service to give you the best training experience possible. Divers must not be going to high altitude or flying in an airplane within eighteen hours after their last dive.
Discover Scuba…It all begins in the pool!
We offer a one day Discover Scuba Diving Excursion. We meet at 7am for a quick lesson in the pool where you will learn some basic diving skills. Then after being successful in the pool we go on the boat where you can dive two fun dives with your instructor at our best local dive sites.
Or let us teach you how to scuba dive… sign up for the PADI e-learning program today and get your PADI in just two to three mornings.
PADI e-Learning Program
PADI E-Learning is an on-line study program. Sign up through our website by clicking on the appropriate banners and then begin to study at your convenience before beginning your vacation. An instructor is available via internet to answer any questions you may have. After completing the online portion of the course, you will need to make your reservations for the completion of the pool and open water training dives with us, in Costa Rica or at any PADI dive shop worldwide. (Payments to PADI for the online materials do not include the pool sessions or four open water training dives.) Our course structure below is based on participants completing the E-learning program before beginning the confined or open water training portions of the course.
PADI Scuba Diver Certification
The PADI Scuba Diver Certification is half of the open water course and is perfect for young children or for people that have limited time during their vacation. It takes two mornings to complete the PADI Scuba diver course.
Day One We begin a quick review to make sure that you understood the theory from the program, then you get in the pool with the instructor to complete the three confined water pool sessions.
Day Two You will be completing your first two open water training dives to a maximum depth of 40ft/12m. Both dives are fun and full of adventure. You will need to repeat some of the skills you previously learned during your pool training. After successful completion of these skills, you can continue exploring the underwater world with your instructor and receive your PADI Scuba Diver Certification.
NOTE Once you are certified as a PADI Scuba Diver you will be qualified to dive to a maximum depth of 40ft/12m with a diving professional. You can upgrade to the PADI Open Water certification level by simply completing the remaining two pool sessions and the last two open water training dives with a PADI Instructor. (Depending on the amount of time that passes after completing this course…you may be required to complete a refresher.)
PADI Open Water Diver Certification
The PADI Open Water Diver Certification is your passport to the underwater world.
After completion of the course, you will be qualified to dive almost anywhere in the world to a recommended depth of 60ft/18m. Children ages ten and eleven are qualified to dive to a maximum depth of 40ft/12m with a diving professional or with their certified guardians until they reach the age of twelve. At the age of twelve they are qualified to dive to a maximum depth of 60ft/18m with an adult. We normally complete the PADI Open Water Diver certification in three days.
Day One We begin a quick review to make sure that you understood the theory from the program, then you get in the pool with the instructor to complete the five confined water pool sessions.
Day Two is diving day! You will be completing your first two open water training dives to a maximum of 40ft/12m. All dives are fun and full of adventure. You will need to repeat some of the skills you previously learned during your pool training. After successful completion of these skills, you can continue exploring the underwater world with your instructor.
Day Three is another FUN diving day! You will be completing your last two training dives to a maximum of 60ft/20m. These dives are also fun and full of adventure. You will again need to repeat some of the skills you previously learned during your pool training… But the last dive is for practice and enjoyment where you will plan the dive with your instructor. After successful completion of these skills, you can continue exploring the underwater world with your instructor and receive the PADI Open Water Diver certification.
Universal Referral
Referral or Universal Referral is when you have already completed the classroom and pool sessions at your home town dive center, and want to complete your Open Water training dives in Costa Rica! You will be required to bring your referral paperwork and or logbook with training records that have been completed by your previous instructor. It will take two mornings to complete the four open water training dives.
Day One is diving day! You will be completing your first two open water training dives to a maximum of 40ft/12m. All dives are fun and full of adventure. You will need to repeat some of the skills you previously learned during your pool training. After successful completion of these skills, you can continue exploring the underwater world with your instructor.
Day Two is another FUN diving day! You will be completing your last two training dives to a maximum of 60ft/20m. These dives are also fun and full of adventure. You will again need to repeat some of the skills you previously learned during your pool training… But the last dive is for practice and enjoyment where you will plan the dive with your instructor. After successful completion of these skills, you can continue exploring the underwater world with your instructor and receive the PADI Open Water Diver certification. *
NOTE This description is based on the need to complete the four open water training dives only. If you need to complete any pool or classroom work, then the duration of the course will vary.
NOTE * If your referral is a Universal Referral (training from a non-PADI agency) you will need to return the completed paperwork to the dive shop or instructor from which you obtained the previous training and have them process your certification.
**If it has been more than six months since your last pool session you will need to make a quick refresher in the pool before diving in the ocean.
PADI Advanced Open Water Diver Certification
Do you enjoy diving and want to learn more about this exciting, fun sport? Then sign up for the Advanced Open Water Diver course where you will learn more about buoyancy control, navigation, deep diving and more! You will need to complete five fun training dives to receive this rating. The minimum age is twelve years old and you must be certified as an Open Water Diver with PADI or have a qualifying certification from another training organization. It will take two days to complete the five open water training dives.
Day One We begin with a quick review to refresh your diving theory, then go diving for three of your FUN adventure training dives. We begin with peak performance buoyancy, then navigation and one more elective dive such as underwater naturalist.
Day Two We are sure to have fun while completing the deep diver adventure dive plus one more elective dive such as fish identification. After successful completion of these dives you will be certified as a PADI Advanced Open Water Diver, making yourself a more competent diver and therefor enjoying your diving experiences even more.
PADI NITROX Certification
Wish you had more bottom time while diving? Enriched air is the fastest growing specialty in the recreational dive industry. Using air containing more oxygen and less nitrogen means you can stay longer because you are absorbing a smaller amount of nitrogen into your tissues. It also adds a safety margin for less risk of decompression sickness…with a bonus…you feel less tired at the end of the day.
The minimum age is fifteen years old and diver must be certified as a PADI Open Water Diver or have a qualifying certification from another training organization.
The Nitrox course only takes one day to complete. We meet in the morning for a quick review regarding the enriched air theory, analyze your tanks and then go diving. FUN FUN!